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WYRÓŻNIONE (highlighted/featured) adverts

Free classified ads

Each user, each company can place 12 free ads per day. None of these advertisements can be repeated, they must describe one product / service. More information on the rules for placing ads on this site can be found HERE (PL)

Featured ads - price list for 2024

Ads featured or also called sticky are ads that remain at the beginning of a given category (above the usual free ads).

The net price of the highlighted advert is €5,62 / day (€6,80 incl. 21% VAT (BTW)), the minimum order is 7 days.

The order should be sent to the email address [email protected]. The order must be sent from the e-mail address to which the user's account is registered on the classifieds website

The order must contain the following data:

A. Individuals:

Name and surname of the person placing the order
Address: street and house number, post code and city, country

B. Companies

Name and surname of the person placing the order, full name and address of the company: street, house number, post code and city, number BTW / VAT

Then enter the type of an offer (e.g. one ad per month, or 4 ads per month, or 1 ad per week, or etc.

In return you will receive an invoice with instructions on how to transfer money and how to add a paid advertisement.

The advertisement must be paid for before it is highlighted.

Announcements are "highlighted" during the working hours, that is from Monday to Friday between 10AM and 5PM.

Special offer

One ad per month or longer.Order placed for one ad highlighted for a period of time not less than a month -> The ad may be replaced with a new one every 5 days. A monthly order is calculated as 28 days (€157,36 net per advertisement/month).

Two ads per month or longer. An order for two advertisements pinned in the same period of time for not less than a month. -> Each ad can be replaced every 3 days. The second announcement is half the price (i.e. €157,36 + €78,68 = €236,04 net)

Three ads per month or longer. An order for three advertisements highlighted in the same period of time for not less than a month. -> Each ad can be exchanged every 3 days. You pay for two ads (i.e. €157,36 + €157,36 = €314,72 net) .

Each extra ad highlighted in the same period of time costs €78,68 (net) / month and can be replaced every 3 days

Adverts are "highlighted" during the working hours, that is from Monday to Friday on working days between 10AM and 5PM.

Information on other forms of advertising is provided HERE

Examples of featured ads

1. Standard featured ad

2. Featured ad with a frame

3. Featured ad without a background

4. Featured ad without a background with a frame

reklama b


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